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I knew that the only way to cross from the West Bank to Jordan on the Hussein Bridge was to get a visa in advance, which I did while in Ramallah. But what I only found out a day before leaving Palestine was that I wouldn't be able to cross the bridge by bike. It's a military zone, with a mined border area, and the crossing is only allowed by motor vehicles.
So I put my bike on a bus, faced all the bureaucratic procedures (which took me about two hours) and from the Jordanian terminal, after the bridge, I started my marathon to get to Amman. That was a really tough cycle as I left the Jordan Valley, which is about 250m below sea level, and had to climb to the 1000 meters altitude of Amman.
Amman |
Leaving Amman there were two options for heading south; one was the easiest route, cycling on the flat road along the Dead Sea, and the other the nicest one, but facing a hilly area with very tough climbs and valleys. I chose the nicest one, and I must say: no regrets at all! It was hard but it paid off, with an amazing landscape all the way.
Wadi Mujib |
The day after, I crossed the valley. It was huge and very impressive, with an amazing view. There is nothing easier than cycling downhill, and I think I did it in less than 30 minutes. But to cycle up the other side is another story. It took over three hours, with more than 10 stops to rest.
Then I cycled another 40 km and got to Al Karak, where I spent two nights with a German family, also arranged by my friend from Amman. There I visited Kerak Castle, a large crusader castle.
Kerak Castle |
I was really upset about this. I've always enjoyed greeting children through all the places I've cycled, stopping when possible or at least waving to them, but this made me feel very bad. I didn't stop any more. I cycled fast and ignored their calls, and even felt in some way afraid of those little ‘monsters’.
That was until I got to a desert area and saw a bunch of boys playing soccer in a poor village. My first reaction was something like: let's cycle faster and they may not see me. But then I thought that it could be a good opportunity to cure my new phobia of children.
Leandro by bike Soccer Club |
At first they watched me stop my bike with surprise and curiosity, but after a while I was seen as one of them. The number of boys doubled and all of them greatly admired my bike and that I was from Brazil. I'm terrible at playing soccer, but I found out that I'm much better with sock balls. Despite the amount of dust, I played with them for a while always shouting things like: "come on Messi", "very good Ronaldo", "that was amazing Barcelona" and they loved it.
I didn't change their lives but I gave them the little I had, which is something that a boy who lives in the middle of nowhere, with that reality of life can remember for some time.
From there I cycled for another two hours, but I was still far from the next city so I started thinking about a place to camp.
Jordanian people are very kind people who really enjoy showing one of their best traits: hospitality. Many times while cycling there I stopped to ask for water and people would give me water, then ask me to stop to rest and drink some tea, then have a meal and sometimes even sleep there.
There I found more proof that poor people are the ones who have more to offer. It was amazing how happy they were to have me there. We talked and laughed a lot - don't ask me how, since they didn't speak much English. But after five months on the road, there aren't many questions I haven't been asked, so with only one word I could guess what they were trying to say or ask and with gestures it would be answered.
They raise goats, which when they are about a year old are sold in the city. During summer the Bedouins live in the mountains, and when it starts to get cold they move their camps to the Dead Sea area.
We ate a very good meal, a kind of pasta with meat, shared in the same pan. I was prepared to eat with my hand, as they do, but the pan was put on the ground already with one spoon. It didn't take long to work out who that spoon was for.
Petra |
When I came back in the evening the man invited me to sit with him and his children in the garden and drink some tea. He was a very nice person to talk with. After the tea he served me dinner although they had already eaten. With such kindness I thought he would happily allow me to camp in his garden. But to my surprise he said he was the owner of a hotel in the city and he also had a building very close to his house, a kind of a hotel too, but where people rent the rooms to live. He made a call and said that I could sleep there. I took my bike and walked two hundred meters to the place where I stayed for two nights.
In Aqaba I had an amazing experience - diving for the first time. It was one more special gift that this journey has given me. It was like entering a new world and I loved every second.
King Abdullah II is also in Aqaba at this time, visiting during a Muslim celebration. Here in Jordan the monarchy is very different from in Europe. The king has real power and plays an important role in the political life of the country. I saw his image everywhere in Jordan and he's highly respected and admired by the people.
Today I end my time in Jordan and in the Middle East, but of course I hope to be back some day. In a few hours I'll be taking the ferry to Egypt, the only country I'll visit in Africa.
Goodbye for now.